The Pirate Bay «BOOTY»
Post has published by Xaph

BOOTY Venture Guidelines

  • Consistency is key
    • Choose your dates and times carefully to be sure that you are able to easily host your venture as consistently as possible.
    • Interest builds when members see other members regularly attending a venture and having fun!
    • Members can plan their schedule around ventures they’re interested in when they know they can count on a steady day and time.
  • Patience
    • There will sometimes be too much or too little interest in your venture; prepare for either.
    • Some nights just won’t go smoothly; difficult members, rampant disorder (which can be fun unless some order is needed to accomplish a goal), Difficult content, etc.
      • For difficult members: Take screenshots. Bring the matter to a First Mate or above ASAP.
      • Speak up and take the lead during periods of chaos. A little leadership goes a long way (Example; “Okay all, let’s focus on this so we can move past it and have all the fun times!) Never raise your voice. Never lose your temper. Never shut down. Have someone else take over if needed or end the Venture early if it becomes too much.
      • Difficult content can be a serious obstacle when running with members who do not know the content well or at all. Be sure that you are familiar with the content you’re leading; know it well enough to teach it, and be understanding of members who are slow to learn.
  • Be Inclusive
    • Include all members regardless of how you, or others close to you, may feel about a member. 
      • Because BOOTY strives to be an all-embracing FC, we have several different personalities that may not fit in the best with others. This does not mean they should be left out of social events.
    • Bias is not permitted in BOOTY Ventures. 
      • If you are looking to run a venture strictly for yourself and your friends, a BOOTY sponsored venture is not the place to do so. We will only sponsor Ventures that plan to include any and all members interested (size permitted).
  • We are here to help
    • If you find yourself with questions or are in need of any kind of assistance during the run of your Venture, the First Mates, Xaph Astraeus, and Aya Bea are here to help.

We take our Ventures seriously as we want our members to have a regular place to get together and get to know each other while sharing a common interest or goal. We want you to take the Venture you choose to run seriously as well, however, don’t take it so seriously that you or other members can’t have fun. If your Venture ever feels like it’s starting to overwhelm you, let us know. Don’t feel obligated to continue to do something that takes away from your own experience of the game. We appreciate the time and effort that you are putting into your Ventures and we look forward to helping you make it work!

If you agree to the above guidelines and wish to continue, click the button below to fill out the application!

Venture Application