The Pirate Bay «BOOTY»
Post has published by Xaph

As a member of the BOOTY community, we ask that you abide by these guidelines. Our leadership is serious about keeping this a safe environment, free from drama and hate. If you are found to be going against our Code of Conduct, you can and most likely will be removed.

NOTE: The Discord server is an extension of our community, and therefore, these same rules apply. This includes voice chat. If anyone makes you feel uncomfortable in any of our chat platforms, please do not hesitate to bring it to a First Mate or above.

1: Be kind AND respectful to one another. If you are found to be talking down to or bullying another member, you will be promptly removed from the community.

2: Be kind AND respectful to others outside of our community as to not tarnish our reputation.

3: Keep any and all drama out of public chat platforms. Contact a First Mate, the Cabin Boy, or the Cap’n directly if you have an issue.

4: The use of Third Party Programs or Modifications is against the official ToS, and therefore are used at your own risk, with the understanding that your game client & account are your responsibility. Do not discuss Third Party Programs or Modifications in FC Chat.

5: Final Fantasy XIV is a fundamentally story driven game, and the characters and stories contained within are what bring many of us coming back day after day. We understand the excitement of experiencing new story beats, meeting new characters, and completing content for the first time. As such, we recognize the importance of being able to avoid spoilers.

  • Please keep spoilers for story content, new characters & duties out of FC chat & main Discord channels for a minimum of 3 months after that content has been released. Names for areas or characters that have been revealed in Press / Live Letter / Fan Fests are fair game, but please be respectful of anyone who may be trying to avoid details.
  • In Discord, a channel will be available for the newest expansion, and you are expected to keep relevant discussions there only, and use spoiler tags as appropriate.
  • Even after that 3 month period, be mindful of newer players who are not on the bleeding edge of content, and even years old content may be new for them. If what you are discussing could potentially be a major spoiler for any portion of the story, consider moving the discussion to a more private channel.

6: Many people play Final Fantasy XIV as an escape from real life and to find a place to unwind. Life is tough, and because of this, it may be tempting to log into the game and take it out on others, but the game and this community are not the places to do so. If you ever need to talk privately, vent, or even need a shoulder to cry on, the leadership is more than happy to hear your frustrations. Venting should, however, be done in private chats so as not to bring discomfort to other members who are looking to escape from their own real-life drama.

7: Our community is composed of people with different backgrounds and a variety of opinions and values. Therefore, no politics, religion, or hot topics in public chat. If you are asked to change the direction of your conversation, please do so without disturbing others in chat who are trying to play the game without disruption.

8: We take accusations of harassment, for any reason, VERY seriously, and will approach such accusations promptly and without bias.

  • Please refrain from sending sexually explicit messages to other members. If you are messaging a member and you are asked to stop, do so. Let’s respect our fellow crew.
  • If you feel you are being harassed based on your gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, or ANYTHING, take screenshots, as many as you can, and bring them to a First Mate or above. We will advise you on how to proceed from there.

9: Activity: We love each and every one of our members, but understand when life takes a turn and you must take a break from the game. If you intend to return, please let an officer know so we can make a record of it. It is our policy to remove inactive members from the roster after 100 days without indicating intent to return. Mateys and above who plan to go inactive may be asked to step down from their role.

10: The Free Company chest is full of things to care for our FC and its members. That being said, the first tab is open to the rank “The Crew” and above so they may use what it contains as needed. The second tab is open to the Quartermaster rank for use in the gardens/company workshop/crafting for the FC. The other tabs are locked to First Mate and above. Never take more than you need. Never take from the chest purely to sell the items and make gil. If you steal from the FC chest, you are stealing from The Pirate Bay <BOOTY> and you will not only be reported but your name will be spread to all of Jenova as a thief. Pirates don’t steal from their own.

The Pirate Bay strives to be a drama-free, maximum fun place where members can meet lifelong friends without being hurt along the way. We hope that you can find a home here in The Pirate Bay and that the experiences you have here help you to get away from the trials and tribulations of RL, even just a little.

Welcome aboard!