The Pirate Bay «BOOTY»

Member Spotlight: Corsair

On March 27th, 2019, a poll was held on our Facebook page to determine the name of our member spotlight rank. Members who were a part of our Facebook group were able to vote and chose Corsair by a landslide. During our birthday event on May 3rd, 2019, the Corsair rank will be awarded to our first member spotlight.

This is a special rank in the free company where we recognize a single member each month that exhibits what we stand for in The Pirate Bay. Members, regardless of rank, that are kind, helpful, loyal, positive and welcoming to other members will be recognized. The leadership of The Pirate Bay will be on the lookout and if you’re found to embody each of these things, you will not only earn the Corsair rank, but you will be rewarded with gil/minions/furniture/glam/etc (new prizes each month). You will be featured on the front page of the website with a note from leadership as to how you embody Corsair and you will own the rank for the entire month. At the end of your month, you will be offered an opportunity to become a Matey (regardless of your current rank). If you choose to forgo the promotion, you will be placed back into the rank you had before earning Corsair (if you are already a Matey, you go back to being a Matey). If you so choose to be a Matey, you will be expected to carry on the responsibilities of a Matey found in the rank outline.

*The Corsair rank does not come with any added responsibilities.