The Pirate Bay «BOOTY»


This Friday, February 15th, get yo’self some love…BOOTY LOVE. Beginning at 9PM EST, we will meet at the BOOTY mansion and begin some lovely shenanigans. It’s a BOOTY Love Pajama Party! Wear your jammies (we will be secretly judging your sleepwear for a glamour contest that we announce the winners of at the end of the event! The winners get 1 mil gil each!) To kick off the night, we’ll have our BOOTY Bachelorette event. Four of our eligible BOOTY babes will be in search of Eorzean hunks to stay by their side for the night. (Note: We’re not pimps; this event is for funsies.) I will be asking 4 questions on behalf of each Bachelorette and they will choose the winner based on the answers they provide for each question. (Another Note: I may seem fun and bubbly and I may sound like a woodland creature IRL but I will END YOU if you harass my members in any way for any reason. This, once again, is for funsies!). The winners chosen will receive 1 mil gil and a minion! The winners will also participate as the Bachelorette’s “date” for the rest of the night! (::side-stare glare:: ::mouths “END. YOU.”::)

Our next event of the night will be a super sexy game of MUSICAL CHAIRS! We will meet in the main floor dining area. We will play music in Discord. All members will run around the dining table and /sit on a bench as soon as the music ends. I will have my mouse selecting a specific bench that I will remove after everyone is seated. Those remaining when there’s only a single bench left will win 1 mil gil each!

Then, we will play Sardines! The first 3 rounds will create 3 new “couples” I will explain more in game, but if you don’t know what Sardines is…LOOK IT UP! It’s going to be some fun stuff 😛

To end the night, we will have a couples race! The in-game couples and the Bachelorette couples and the couples formed in the games of Sardines will participate in the race. We will place one part of the couple in a place, and the other part of the couple will wait at the mansion until the “Ready…set…GO!” and they will race on a two-seater mount to pick up their other half and bring them back to the mansion. The first couple back to the mansion wins 1 mil gil each!

We will announce the winners of the Pajama Glam contest and revel in all the BOOTY love.