The Pirate Bay «BOOTY»

BOOTY Birthday Bash!

Join us Friday, May 3rd at 9PM CST to celebrate our 4th birthday! We will gather at Costa Del Sol at the coordinates X:36.7 Y:25.2. Wear yer best pirate glam me loves. This be a parrrty to celebrate 4 years sailing the seas of Eorzea together and we want to look our best! (You may also win some gil at the end of the night if you be lookin extra piratey).
There be a contest to be had at the docks me mateys. It be called, “Dock Darrrts”. Here’s how it goes.

Dock Darrrts Rules:
*3 BOOTIES are floating in the water right off the edge of the dock. Each BOOTY is worth a set amount of points.
*All those participating will gather on the dock in front of where the BOOTIES are floating. When the signal is given, all will jump!!! You must land right on top of one of the floating BOOTIES to qualify for the next round.
*If you qualified for the next round, you will be split into groups. You will get 3 jumps each. (The points for each floating BOOTY will be explained during the event).
*Gather the most points to win 2,000,000 gil!

Once we be finished at the docks, we will scurry on over to talk to the Ferry Skipper at X:33.6 Y:29.3 where we will tell him we would like to parrrty it up on the Rhotano Privateer! Here, shenanigans with popotos will be had! (Not the lalafel type). We be playing “Hot Popoto”!

Hot Popoto Rules:
*I will be holding on to some popotos. They be hot. I will /point to a random member on the ship’s lower dock, and I will /trade them a popoto. Once the trade is complete, I will /cheer!
*The lucky member that received the popoto will then find another very fortunate crew mate, /point at them and /trade them the popoto. Once the trade is complete, /cheer. and the cycle continues.
*Xaph will be playing some pirate diddles on his musical instruments. He will have his chat log on battle mode so he will be unable to see who is holding the popoto. When he feels so fit, he will end his diddle and /shout “HOT POPOTO!” Once he does, the unlucky-ish soul to be in possession of the popoto will move to the plank. (Don’t worry lads, I will show you where the plank be so that you may successfully stand upon it).
*The last member to avoid holding the popoto wins 2,000,000 gil!
*But that’s not the end of that me hearties ♥ Each member standing on that plank will have their name entered into I will randomize the names and the name to come up in the generator will also win 2,000,000 gil and avoid walking the plank!

Here we will announce our new Corsair! Find out about our new member spotlight rank here.

I Then have a special event planned 🙂 I will deliver the details in-game when it is time.

I look forward to this night more than any other event because it celebrates our success as a crew. It has not always been easy, but we have held together through troubled seas and we are stronger for it. Our leadership crew is the strongest bunch of individuals this FC has ever had. Our members now are all active, social and friendly. There are very few that fall into the shadows despite our size and I am prouder than ever to be standing at the helm. The Pirate Bay <<BOOTY>>, every last one of you, make this game so much more than just a way to pass time. You make it feel like home. ♥ Thank you and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
-Cap’n Aya Bea