The Pirate Bay «BOOTY»
Post has published by Xaph

Cap’n Aya

“I founded this community in the hopes that it would one day be a safe haven for any and everyone who needed a friend. I have headed this FC on the premise that no one should play this game alone and everyone deserves respect. I pick and choose my leadership team carefully. They must always represent the foundations on which this community was founded. They are chosen because they make me and those around them feel safe, valued, and seen. The one thing all of these people have in common is that they care about people. The members of this community are not just a number or a random name on a roster, they are the people behind the screen and every single one of my officers needs to have a deep understanding of this fact. As a leader, I am caring, compassionate, empathetic, and loyal. I give my all to the things and people I care for and will protect this community and its foundations with everything I have. ” -Aya Bea

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Cabin Boy

“Xaph became the co-leader of our community because he married the Cap’n. However, the Cap’n married him because of everything that makes him an exceptional co-leader. He is level-headed and laid-back when the situation calls for it, however, he has the wherewithal to establish boundaries and enforce them. He thinks of any and all situations from a logical standpoint and knows how to express his thoughts in a way that is easily understood and accepted by his peers. He is good to his core and sober-minded. His unassuming nature tends to lead people to think that he’s the soft one…but his hammer swinging abilities are the stuff of legend. Cross the things he cares for and you will find yourself on the business end of a plainspoken message and swift ban. (Peepee, Poopoo, and Penis jokes are his favorite.)
-Aya Bea

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First Mate

“Yargith became an officer due to his ability to see any and all perspectives from a logical viewpoint. He is level-headed, loyal, and a reliable friend. As a leader, he helps plan and execute events, participates and contributes to officer-related discussion, and puts the hammer down when and if that hammer needs to be swung. As one of the oldest officers on the roster, he is knowledgeable about the FC and the game and is someone you can count on when you need someone to talk to.” -Aya Bea

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“Mara is a constant companion. He is someone that is always around for fun or friendship or both. He is entirely good. He was made an officer because of his ability to spill that goodness into everything he does. He is thoughtful, reliable, and loyal. As a leader, Mara consistently leads our OG map nights. He is an excellent mentor, social presence, and responsible officer. Mara can be relied on for just about anything.” -Aya Bea

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“Feesh, or “Feesher” became an officer because he is a friend to all! That guy who sits at the back of the room and has absolutely no friends because he throws spitballs at everyone, Feesher knows how to be his friend. He is someone that is never afraid to speak his mind. He can have philosophical discussions with just about anyone and is always up for some healthy debate. Though he can argue with the best of them, he is never too proud to admit if he’s wrong (He has done it at least once). As a leader, his ability to speak his mind and stay humble makes him a crucial member of our leadership team. He contributes valuable insight to officer discussions, helps to execute events, and is willing to help wherever and whenever he is needed. He feeshes.” -Aya Bea

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“Yuki became an officer because she is loyal, dependable, and diligent. If something needs to be done, Yuki is an officer that can be counted on. She is knowledgeable about the game, good at just about everything she does, and an altogether fun person to be around. As a leader, she helps to plan and execute events, contributes constructive insight when dealing with FC situations, and is an excellent sounding board. Savage Venture? She’s got you. It’s always morning in Yuki’s world and it is always good.” -Aya Bea

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“Silaes (sigh-lays) became an officer due to his subtle but sure amiability. Whenever Silaes is in voice chat, he is warm, attentive, and kind. These things seem to translate well over to in-game chat as well. He is knowledgeable, but not arrogant. He is likely our most humble officer, as he never feels as though he is deserving over anyone else. His humility is what makes him an exemplary officer and superior friend. As a leader, he offers sensible solutions to FC issues, helps to plan and execute events, and applies his vast skillset to the inner workings of BOOTY. ” -Aya Bea

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“Coming soon!” -Aya Bea

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