The Pirate Bay «BOOTY»
Post has published by Xaph

Matey Guidelines

So ye want to be a matey do ye? Are ye a salty bastard? No salty bastards be allowed here!


Be Positive vibes:

  • The FC is the gamer’s escape. Sometimes, that means it can be a dumping ground for all that IRL has to dish out. The Mateys are there for when that happens. When a member is having a bad day, and rants it out in the public chat, the First Mates (officers) are the ones that have to send the kind of message that asks about their well-being, but also has to reprimand them a bit for pooping on people on the poop deck…but a Matey (crewbff) are the ones that send the message to ask about their well being and see if they want to run some content to take their mind of their hard day. ((That means that when a Matey is having a hard day, they need to know to keep it out of FC chat. Reach out to a fellow crew-mate <3))

Be an example:

  • While a Matey is not an officer, they are very much looked up to by the crew. This means that a Matey must know and be the CoC.

Be a friend to all:

  • This BOOTY be BIG. That means that it’s easy for your fellow crew to feel unseen, left on read, or feel like just another fish on the ship. We want every member to feel like they are a part of the crew. Even if they don’t know everyone, everyone should have someone. A Matey is meant to be the bridge; the hand to climb aboard. When a crewbie logs in, a Matey is the first to say hello! When someone feels lost or needs help, a Matey will be right there to be the name in a sea of 0’s and 1’s. That means we need the Mateys to greet the members as they log in. Give them a hearty “AHOY ME HEARTY!”. Help answer questions! Run content with crew-mates that need a helping hand!


Overall; the Matey rank is meant to be more than just a rank. It is a role that comes with expectations and responsibilities; but we’re looking to fill it with people that won’t see the role as work…but rather where they were meant to be to begin with. If you feel this could be you, please apply on the discord! Click the link below for a shortcut! Message Yuki Dragonsblood or Yasuo Battlepass with any and all questions you have related to the Matey role <3


Matey Application