The Pirate Bay «BOOTY»

The BOOooOOooTY Bash

*Macabre Manor: A Scavenger Hunt*

Once used by seedseers as a place for spiritual reflection and meditation, Haukke Manor was long frowned upon by the people of Gridania as a symbol of excess. After years of protest, the building was finally sold to a wealthy duskwight by the name of Lady Amandine. While little is known of the Lady, it was said that she was exceptionally vain, and that to maintain her impeccable beauty, she would spare no expense. From facial creams concocted from rare Coerthas honeys to shampoos derived from the milk of exotic phurbles, her daily ritual of beauty treatments escalated until it was rumored she was bathing in the blood of her virgin maidservants. No amount of man-made tinctures, however could hide the hideous scars she eventually suffered during the Calamity, and from that day forth she was forced to turn to a darker solution, signing away her very soul in a final effort to save face.

We will break into groups of four. The groups will choose their captain and name their team.
On my go, you will queue up for “Haukke Manor” unsynced and await the story which will guide you on your hunt. I will post the story in parts in FC chat. As the story moves forward. The parts of the story with * beforehand are the clues. When a clue is posted, team captains will make note of it in party chat. You can choose to move forward and try to figure out the clue or wait till all clues have been delivered (THIS IS NOT A RACE). Note: some clues may refer to certain mobs? So if you choose to move forward with your group, be careful not to kill a mob that may be used for a clue later on.

We will set up a special Discord channel for the event called “Macabre Manor”. The team captains must take a screenshot of the “thing” your team thinks the clue eludes to and post it in the “Macabre Manor” channel with the *clue and the name of your group as the caption for the image. Keeping this in mind, be sure you choose a team captain who is familiar with using discord and can easily upload screenshots. (I will post the story in it’s entirety after it has been delivered in-game)

After all of the teams have exited Haukke Manor, we will tally the correct answers! The team with the most wins prizes and gil.

In the event that there is a tie, we will have a mini trivia event with questions about Haukke Manor. Each team will have their captains answer the questions and have 10 seconds to answer.

***This will conclude our Macabre Manor event!

*Name That Costume*

We will then gather in the BOOTY Estate Basement once more to play a little game. Xaph Hikari will be standing on stage, so please take a seat anywhere that is NOT on the stage but has a good view of Xaph. He will be changing into different costumes. As he switches, the first person to guess “who” or “what” he is gets a prize!
If people seem to be having trouble, he will “roleplay” the thing/person he is to make it a bit easier to guess.
-Guesses are to be posted in “say” chat.
Simple, no?

*Group Costume Contest*

Get with your friends and coordinate a costume. This can be groups of two or more.
I will be making a Discord channel for this event called “groupcostumes” before the end of the “Macabre Manor” event, post a screenshot in this channel of you and your friend/friends dressed in your group themed costumes.
-Only one screenshot per group. You cannot be in multiple groups, so choose wisely!
-The screenshot with the most reactions by the end of the night wins gil and prizes!
-Remember, groups of two or more and no duplicate members in multiple groups.


At the end of the night, we will be announcing the winner of the ULTIMATE COSTUME CONTEST. I have 3 secret judges that will be “judging” throughout the night. The coolest, most creative, well put-together, well-thought-out costume at the end of the night…wins the ULTIMATE PRIZE!

***60 DAYS OF GAME TIME BOIS!!!!!! eh hem, I mean, ARRRR!!!